Publix Scales – Background
Following up on this post about my local neighborhood Publix’s scale, we see at the history of said scales, and learn that only Publix’s in Florida have them. Who knew?
Following up on this post about my local neighborhood Publix’s scale, we see at the history of said scales, and learn that only Publix’s in Florida have them. Who knew?
Calvary Baptist Church was my family’s church for decades. This was the church my father went to when he was a kid, and of course the one my brother and I both went to when we were kids. My father was baptized by Rev. Leslie Colding…who also happens to be the same person my mother…
It has probably been 25 years since I stepped foot into the Sweet Shop across from the FSU campus, and while a lot has changed at FSU over those years there’s a lot of the 96 year old Sweet Shop that is still the same. I was disappointed to see that the juke box which…
Its been just over a year since Wild Waters in Silver Springs, FL was finally closed (a result of the State of Florida taking over it and it’s sister park, Silver Springs, as well as the aging infrastructure of the park itself and cost to maintain/upgrade). I’d been to this water park more than any…