Our 50th Post!
Happy 50th! This is the part where I say something like “I can’t believe this is the 50th post…”, and in fact that’s true, I can’t believe this is the 50th post. Now some of the more pedantic of you (I’m with you) might notice at some point in the future that there are in fact more than 50 posts before this one. Well, ya got me. You see I’ve been taking snaps for years for this blog, but I’ve also been very bad at uploading them. I have tended to get caught up in The Grand Post to End All Other Posts, with a full, exhaustive history, historical photographs, interviews, etc, etc, etc before I post…and these things never, ever get done. So now I’ve said “screw it” (or something along those lines), and will know do my best to both go back and rectify those missing posts, as well as not linger on such things moving forward. In short my goal will be to get the stuff uploaded ASAP; I can always go back and either do a new post, or add stuff to the old posts (I promise, however, that I will do my best to shy away from doing a full George Lucas on any post…).
So for now, here are the latest “archived” posts that have now finally seen the light of day (over this past weekend). Enjoy!
Boston Ave School – DeLand, FL
Calvary Baptist Church – DeLand, FL
Ming Tree Chinese Restaurant – Tallahassee, FL
Lucy Ho’s (aka Uforia) + Mark’s Bar – Tallahassee, FL